My DevopsDaysTLV Summary
Late birds
Sunday night my boss asks me if I want to come to #DevopsDaysTLV, reading the program, seems like intersting talks, but no ticket left for the first day. Once we got the tickets, I know what’s Early Bird tickets, now I’ve found out there’s Late Birds tickets.
Rockstar saves the day
Gil Tayar wrote on tweeter that he’s gonna fill in for someone who could make it, since she cought the flu. I was publicly devestanded that it’s gonna be on the first day, and I won’t get to meet Gil face to face.
My DM flahses Gil supprises me with giving me his +1 ticket, I title him as a rock-star, not even gussing what to come.
Day One
Gil picks up my tag, while I get lost a bit in the convention center. Following other lost nerds, got me walking in circles around the whole place.
Didn’t know too many people, Devops isn’t excatly my field (and beyond I don’t attend too many confrences). I was supprised to see Anna from ElasticSearch too, didn’t know she’ll be there. I was really existed to meet her face to face, and not only via zoom chat.
Picking some stickers and swag, and then keynote started.
Dr. Nicole Forsfren was talking about the 2019 State of DevOps Report, it’s was nice to see that she has numbers to proof Devops is working very good for some companies, and the trend of compenies excecuting faster is growing.
Then I’ve heard Omer Lev Hevroni, tells his tale, on how they had a leakge of cerdentionals, and the joureny and tools they used to reduce the chances it would happen again. (One more tweeter figure, that become a bit more real for me, that day)
And then Gil talk about #egoprogramofobia, really proving he’s a rockstar, making the crowd sing along with him while he trys to drive fear of own code out of people.
Coming up next, I’ve heard Shlomi Noach, from github. Explianing the CAP Theorem and extending it a bit to try to give it some more reasnable close to real-life interpertention (maybe now I’ll rememeber all what each letter stands for).
Food break
Regev Golan was talking on what you need to consider while depolying an app that uses GPUs, best practicates and thing to consider while deploying.
Erik Zaadi & Dainel Korn, made a great talk about the lesson we should learn from Rick & Morty, it was really funny. Erik dressed a pickle, was a sight not easily forgotten.
And then I had to split, to take my someone of kindergarden…
Day Two
While I’m waltzing in that morning, I’ve met Maish in his new role in the AWS booth, he was talking with Florian. Isreali of me I’ve started talking hebrew and cut thier converstaion in the middle. Took me a few moments to figure it out and appologise. Few words with Florian, and I’ve decided I defentliy goona enter his talk.
My late bird boss joined in, coming a bit injerd.
Brian Murphy from GeekSeat was giving the keynote, expliaing his approch to taking decietion about new tech, and how RFC process is importent to every team.
Florian Haas — Communication for distributed teams talk was spot one. He was talking about the missuse of diffrent communication medium while my boss show me life examples on his phone for everything Florian is talking about.
Philip Krenn from elastic, packed the room, and I was standing hearing more the logistics of handling a small flood in the side of the room. I guess he’s talk was intersting enough for everyone to squize in.
Anna Bankirer was talking about object oriented desgin. It was nice but I would have jumped stright into examples, and minize the talk intro about OOD/OOP, yeah I know the theam was “back to fundmentals”.
Elazar Leibovich — talked about docker networking, and how to share a port from a running docker instance without a restart, how exactly docker networking is working is always a puzzle to people, me included. Just a week ago I’ve myself in need of a white board to explien to someone how docker instances can communicate internall, and why a host port isn’t needed for that.
Ronen Botzer from Aerospike, was getting pissed at compenies that doing a grabge benchmarks. At least he was mentioning us (scylladb), and he told me at the first day he’s gonna talk about it
Robert Barron was closing the session with a great talk about the Appllo Missions to the Moon, while demostanting that almost the pinciples we know in devops were used in those missions, Kohelet was right while saying “nothing new under the sun”.
Beers and Sufganiut for finising up.
I enjoyed it very much…