Tools, tools, tools

People always complain about tools, me included. (a.k.a trying to show that their own tool set are better) from text-editor to IDE, and don’t get me starting on usability of some websites…

This guy took it a further and kind of made it into a life philosophy Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle. and kinda of proved that all our tools suck. Really liked the tools he demonstrated, especially the mario like demo.

BTW, his site is kinda of cool and I quote from there:

“I designed the initial user interface concepts for iPad, iPod Nano, and half a dozen experimental hardware platforms. Initiated, designed, and prototyped over seventy concept projects…”

sound like a dream job.

and now it got me thinking, do I have a principle ? (or do I need one to get such a dream job ?)

probably not… or at least not yet… but I guess I’m getting there.

Published: April 09 2012

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